Thursday, August 13, 2009

1/3 vs. 2/3

Apparently, 68% of the population rates their health insurance as "good" or "excellent". This brings up the question as to why we should overhaul the entire system for 32%, or most likely less, of the population. Many that don't have health insurance simply don't want it.

Scott Rasmussen, the founder of a Rasmussen Reports, has written down some of his findings in the following article. I have put some interesting quotes of this article below:

Our polling in February found that by a 2-1 margin, voters believe that no matter how bad things are Congress can always make matters worse.

However, there are some numbers congressional Democrats can celebrate. Specifically, 63% of voters agreed with the president earlier this year when he said, “We must make it a priority to give every single American quality affordable health care.” Yet while they agree in theory, only 28% are currently willing to pay higher taxes to achieve that goal.

Polling last weekend showed that 48% of voters rate the U.S. health-care system as good or excellent. That’s up from 35% in May and up from 29% a year ago. Only 19% now rate the system as poor, down from 37% a year ago. It appears that the prospect of changing health care has made the existing system look better to a lot of people.

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