Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Black Church Culture Rejects Homosexuality

You can read the entirety of this article here, however I will share what I find to be some of the most interesting parts below. This article begins with a sociologist laying out a foundation for why he claims black churches have not accepted homosexuality. It is interesting to note his reasons for why he thinks this way. He says:

"They are more likely than the general population to interpret the Bible literally and believe in God with absolute certainty. Considering the theologically conservative disposition of black churches at large, it makes sense that many black Christians take the Apostle Paul at his word when Paul portrays homosexuality as an act of depravity and perversion in his letter to the Romans [1: 26-32]."

"But scholars often overlook that many black Christians pride themselves on a plain reading of Scripture, making it virtually impossible to foster an inclusive embrace or acceptance of homosexuality. As long as African-American Christians adhere to biblical mandates as authoritative prescriptions from God, they won't be easily dissuaded from rejecting same-sex lifestyles as viable alternatives to heterosexual norms."

These are astute observations, but one wonders why they don't hold true for white church culture as well. Could it be that whites don't take the Apostle Paul at his word? Or that they don't hold biblical mandates as authoritative prescriptions from God?

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